Friday, May 05, 2006

5 and 5 on 5/5

Things I'm not good at:

  1. Eating with chopsticks
  2. Singing "Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake on karaoke - it's harder than you'd think!
  3. Reverse cowgirl
  4. Driving in reverse (backing into parking spaces, backing down my driveway)
  5. Reassuring myself

Things I'm good at:
  1. Being self-deprecating
  2. Embarrassing myself
  3. Making myself nauseous
  4. Checking your blogs
  5. Doing naughty things


Will said...

I'm no good at self depreciation.

The Big Cheese said...

Doesn't #3 on the bad list and #5 on the good list create a problem?

Nervous said...

ver 2.8 - heh, sorry man - I just don't get myspace (where do people write entries?) it's a whole different, seizure-inducing world to me - nothing against you!

will - good one. :)

big cheese - oh but I can think of so many other naughty things to do to make up for the lack of #3.

Anonymous said...

I once tried to sing Beyonce/'Crazy in Love' on karaoke and was essentially booed off the staged, so I'd have to say all karaoke is pretty hard.

I mean, that song has actual lyrics. Not just "got me looking so crazy right now" over and over again. Who would have thought?

Anonymous said...

What's also really interesting is that I've never commented here before because I thought you could only do it if you had a Blogger ID. I'm real smart.

Yossarian said...

its pretty hard to be bad at reverse cowgirl

Nervous said...

m - well, welcome! I know what you mean about "Crazy in Love" - that's such a hard song, there's NO time to take a breath! Are we both talking about Karaoke Revolution or is it just me? (I like to embarrass myself in the privacy of our home)

mr. husbland - uh oh, you called me out on that one. :P

yossarian - maybe it's more uncomfortable than bad (for me)

swirly girl said...

I'm awesome at the naughty things...too bad I can't find a boy(or a girl) to do them with right now...

p.s. Reverse cowgirl just takes a bit o'pratice...and it's always funn practicing.