Tuesday, August 28, 2007

No, that's not me in the picture

Anyway. As a follow-up to the last post: I did get a haircut that I really like (shorter than I expected, but it's bouncy-bouncy), but unfortunately didn't do so until after getting my god-awful license picture taken. (The lady was nice enough to do a couple retries before just saying "Sorry, I think that's as good as it's gonna get.") I REALLY don't photograph well (especially when I'm expecting it) and think I ended up looking like a tired, pale, bloated, thug. I mean, I was tired, pale and bloated but looking thuggish was sort of a surprise. Anyway, I had plenty of comfort food and comfort drinks over the weekend, and had a really nice 29th birthday overall. Sorry for all the whining that led up to it.


Fluffycat said...

Astrologically, 29 is the year where it's all supposed to click into place. I found that happened for me, somewhat. Though there is always some clicking into place going on all the time.

I had 1 very awesome DL photo, and sadly had to retake it last time and it didn't come out as well.

Gnomeself Be True said...

What's wrong with the picture from this post?
You look cute with that birthday hat.

Gnomeself Be True said...

You have to admit, that'd make a great Avatar.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday! Mine's next week and um, I'm kind of freaking about no longer being in my 20s...

29 was an awesome year for me, I know it'll be great for you.

Blush said...


so sorry i missed it!


KC said...

Happy birthday! I left my twenties behind a long time ago. I sometimes reminisce about them, but then that just makes me feel really old.